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EXTENDED DAY- Begins Tuesday 9/3 Your child will need to bring their own lunch or have money to purchase a lunch. Please send your child with a water bottle. This will help your child stay hydrated throughout the day.
HANDS ON HOMEWORK BAGS - Please be looking forward to this every Monday. The Hands-On Homework bags go home on Monday and should be returned on Friday.  Inside the bag is your child's Evergreen Eagle Folder, September Monthly Reading Log and envelope with 4 books.  Please read, at least, one book per day with your child.  Record the titles on the Reading Log so that their are 5 titles by Friday. Please sign the paper and return it with the books on Friday.
MONTHLY CALENDAR- Please find a place on your refrigerator or wall to display your child's kindergarten calendar. Every month your child will receive a new calendar, marking important dates, and also will be asked to cross out the days that have gone by.
STOP LIGHT- Your child brought home a stop light on Friday. It is a reminder of the expectations that we will be implementing in the classroom. We have been speaking to the children for the past two weeks about appropriate behaviors.
Color Action Expectations/Consequences:
Green- Go We want the students to be on green all day
Yellow- Slow down It is a warning.
Red- Stop Student will receive a time out and a letter home.
Please ask your child how he/she did on a daily basis to show that there is an expectation at home that their behavior at school is important. By setting up rewards and consequences at home helps support the program at school.
VIP Folders were sent home this past Friday. Please empty out the contents on a daily basis and send the envelope back to school.
Class Album Page- This is due Sept. 13 (Friday)
All About Me Poster- Already due
Everyone had a wonderful time at the Kindergarten Picnic. We were fortunate to have relief from the sun with a cloud cover for about an hour. All the families had a great time spending time together, meeting new families, and eating together! Thank you so much!!!
Current Weekly Reminders:
**Please review the day - everyday! Now that we are on extended day schedule, please be sure to ask your child about their day. Check their VIP folder, ask them about songs, books, snacks, what alphabet letter they are learning about, and what color day they had! This review provides amazing cognitive development, including verbal skills, and signals to your child that you are aware and interested in what is going on. This shows them that who they are and and what choices they are making is important to you!

**A healthy breakfast, lots of sleep, a place to look through books, and opportunities to practice listening and following directions is an important part of your child's everyday routine.