School Awards and Recognition » Evergreen is an Honor Roll School

Evergreen is an Honor Roll School

California Business Community Recognizes Evergreen Elementary School for Superior Student Academic Achievement and Significant Progress in Closing Achievement Gaps
Sacramento -- California Business for Education Excellence (CBEE) Foundation and Just for the Kids-California (JFTK-CA) announced today that Evergreen Elementary School has been named to their 2008 Honor Roll. Honor Roll schools are named annually. The 2008 Honor Roll includes 569 California public elementary, middle and high schools that have been recognized by California’s business community for having demonstrated consistent high student academic achievement and have made significant progress toward closing achievement gaps among all their students. The Honor Roll is made up of two different awards, the Star Schools Award (126 schools) and Scholar Schools Award (443 schools). A full list of the Honor Roll schools, sorted alphabetically by county, can be found at
“We know from the success of these schools that it’s possible for all schools and all
students in California to reach high levels of academic achievement, to close achievement gaps and to reach 100 percent grade-level proficiency on the California Standards Test,” said Jim Lanich, Ph.D., president of CBEE. “Every one of the schools on the Honor Roll is on track to do it. By highlighting these schools, recognizing their achievement and giving them a voice we hope other schools can learn from these schools’ proven ‘best practices’ and achieve the same results.”
No other school recognition program in California uses hard data, individual school and
student subgroup performance data based on the California Standards Tests and the
California High School Exit Exam, to evaluate school academic performance. It’s only by looking at this hard data and evaluating students and schools based on grade-level
proficiency of the California standards, that educators, parents and the public can
thoroughly understand what’s happening in our schools and ensure that schools are on
track to get all students to grade-level proficiency.
Honor Roll schools are being recognized because they are on track to meet the goal of
100% grade-level proficiency by the 2013/2014 school year as required by federal law.