Google Classroom

Getting Started:
First, you need to have logged into your child's portal and opened the applications page.  Click on the Google Classroom icon. You should see a box that says 'Kinder K-1'.  At the top of the page, it shows three tabs:  STREAM, CLASSWORK, and PEOPLE.  The stream tab shows any announcements and posts.  The classwork tab is where you see the classwork that is due.  The people tab is where you may see the other people in the class.  Explore each tab.  The CLASSWORK tab is where you will enter student responses.
To complete an assignment:
1.  Make sure your child's name is typed in on every assignment.
2.  Click on the classwork tab to see the assignment.
3.  Click on the icon to open up the assignment.
4.  Read the assignment with your child to make sure they                   understand the question.
5.  Find the box on the right to type in your answer.
6.  Do not use the comment box for your answer.
7.  Type in your child's answer.
8.  When you are finished answering, click the TURN IN button.
9.  A box will come up asking if you want to SUBMIT - click
We will all learn together, baby steps, and just do the best you can.  I am just learning how to do and create all this, so lets all be patient with each other.  You can use Remind to let me know what you think or if you have questions.